You love the idea of being organised but then think of writers using Excel sheets to keep track of events or corkboards with little notes pinned on them to help them along and you know you just can’t do it. But what you can do is stick to a writing schedule.

A writing schedule is not a big deal. It’s just what it says it is. A schedule. The best part is that it’s very simple and there’s nothing to follow. You just stick to the schedule as best as possible.

Make your own writing schedule

If you’re a full-time writer, the possibilities become endless and often result in spending time on Facebook, Twitter, playing Two Dots on the phone, checking Instagram and then flipping through Instagram stories and maybe adding a couple of posts of your own and of course Netflix. At this rate, no writing will get done at all.

To make sure you are productive every day a bit, keep aside an hour or so strictly for writing. Sit down and write at least a page. Initially, it may be random but continue writing so that you make a routine. Come back the next day at the same time. Within a few days, you will start writing useful things important for your work. 

This discipline needs to be maintained by you. There may be days when you just can't write or nothing is coming to your mind. For those days, repeat writing the same line...remember the cursive writing practice? This is just another way to stick to your writing schedule. Pick up different modes of writing like on a Google Doc, writing pad, Word Document anything that fascinates you. Digital platforms become easier when you are on vacation or it's weekends and you have decided to be different from your usual day. 

Overcome your guilt 

If you miss writing a day, don't feel guilty. Plan to compensate for it by writing more the next day. The writing schedule helps to stay productive and focused. It’s a habit that helps you tremendously.

Keeping in mind this habit of maintaining a writing schedule, we have curated a campaign called Write A Page A Day. You have to write 10000 words in 28 days on any digital platform or paper. You can check more details here.