7 businesses doing something good for the environment
- August 31, 2021
- Business & Tech
Companies have started using business intelligence to save costs and also become conscious of the environment. The depletion of natural resources and our mindless habits assuming that everything nature gives us is renewable is an incorrect mindset. With the effects of global warming, there is a drastic shift in the climate. More species are becoming endangered and zoonotic diseases such as COVID-19 are spreading. For companies, going green not only helps economically and in building brand awareness but also creates a vision of care, encouraging others to do the same. Here are seven businesses taking impressive efforts towards the environment to go green:
The Noida based electrical company Havells now has no product with radioactive components. They managed to eliminate the use of trace Kr-85 radioactive isotope from the entire ceramic metal halide lighting range. They also have four zero water discharge facilities, two renewable energy initiatives- biomass and solar lamps and four resource conservation initiatives across all their plants.
Godrej with its roots in India’s independence and the Swadeshi movement has at least 1.1 billion customers today. They have successfully increased their renewable energy portfolio to 30%, achieved a 37% reduction in specific greenhouse gas emissions, diverted 99.5% of waste from landfills and also reduced water consumption by 32%. Their goal is to make 100% of the packaging material reusable or compostable by 2025.
Procter and Gamble
Known for products that make life easier, Procter and Gamble have been taking quite a few initiatives to reduce their carbon footprint. Their Fairy Ocean Plastic Bottles are 10% ocean plastic from oceans and beaches worldwide and 90% post-consumer recycled plastic. Their launch helped show what we should do to prevent plastic waste from reaching the ocean where it would cause serious damage to ocean life.
Ultra Tech cement
Ultra Tech Cement is aiming to create a sustainable and self-reliant society and ranks among the top 10 companies, internationally, on Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) in the ‘Construction Material’ Industry sector. Since the cement is a carbon-intensive industry, UltraTech has integrated a low carbon strategy into its business roadmap to address the climate change sustainable development goal. This and initiatives like cooler up-gradation have drastically improved the company’s energy productivity.
“CSR can’t be merely a job, it’s a passion,” said Sudha Murthy, Chairperson, Infosys Foundation and rightly so, their efforts towards COVID relief, education and health-related programs covered over Rs. 360 crores. Restoration of water bodies in Karnataka, enabling the pursuit of access in sports through the GoSports Foundation, and disaster relief efforts in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala are few other initiatives worth mentioning.
Mahindra & Mahindra Ltd
Sustainability runs through the ethos of this company. The group works closely with non-profits like Naandi Foundation, which feeds over 1.3 million government school children every day. Naandi also works with smallholder farmers to enable farming practices that are kind to the environment. Through their efforts, the company leads the charge for climate action and sustainable business practices.
Tata Chemicals Ltd
Tata Chemicals through their CSR initiatives strive to foster sustainable and integrated development in communities. They also spend Rs. 12 crores annually on CSR and wildlife conservation accounts for 30% of the budget.

Looking at well-known businesses taking the step to foster an environmentally friendly society and nation are encouraging acts. They bring us closer to our aim of building a viable economy dependent on natural resources. Because environmental protection is an integral part of economic growth. We don’t have the luxury to pollute now and clean later. That’s why we need to do more to ensure we save ourselves from the impact of climate change.
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