A beautiful wish to Team Blogchatter from Seethalakshmi
- January 23, 2023
- Stories
This is a letter one of our community members wrote to us. We were so touched; we had to share! (with her consent)
Hola Blogchatter Team,
Inspired by Suchita’s creative story in the last newsletter, here is a reply story to wish my favourite people, in a creative way! Wishing you all a year of peace & prosperity.
Here, in the now, in the land that holds the magic of love, I find a library that many would agree to have visited and felt its magic. It is expansive enough to accommodate the ever-expanding channel of knowledge yet compact enough to fit in personalised spaces.
It has the classics and the contemporary.
It has books that would nudge one out of their comfort zone and ones that are more like a comforting hug. It shines with the light of careful consideration and a touch of magical wonder.
Not all libraries are built with bricks, nor every book is made from pages of papyrus. Some are built upon the bonds of trust cemented with the coziness of a community. Each book in it is made from the cellulose of creativity. This library that cast its magic upon me is one such.
A cold soul that I entered as, is now thawed up by the warmth of this library. I have found my favourite corners and best reads. Each book brightens my life with its wisdom.
As is the nature of this library, it surprises me with a new book-untouched and enticing. It carries the fragrance of a dreamy freshness right enough to take to it at once.
Hoping for it to hold the stories of many, wise and nice, I open it, only to find it empty. Next to it, lay a calendar indicating a fresh start and surreal bookmarks holding the promise of possibilities in this magic land. And as I picked up the book, it revealed its secret: ‘Start the chatter. Stories start there & it does matter. Write your own story!’
Encouraged and assured by the magical spell of this library where my heart dwells, I start to write my story!
Thank you for being my magical library, team Blogchatter!
P.S. I absolutely loved the gifts. You have no idea of the impact it has had on me. I have always been a freelance writer and in spite of working with many clients for a long time, I have never received anything of the sort that would make me feel acknowledged or cherished. The carefully curated set of gifts that You have sent is the first of a kind and you guys have my heart, truly & wholly. In fact, I have been under weather with new symptoms of my health condition showing up and I had not moved a thing along my work front in the last 1 month. Just a day before the gifts arrived, I was contemplating taking a break from blogging at least for half a year to focus on health. But two days after the gifts arrived, energized, I decided to let go of freelance projects instead, set up a workspace exclusively for myself (had to flaunt the calendar!) and transition from freelance writer to a full-time blogger & Author. Thought you should know about the impact you have had on me!
Thank you for being an amazing team. More power to you. Loads of love your way. Happy New Year, 2023!
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