In what ways can you snack healthy?
- August 31, 2021
- Health
The world is working from home that has given enormous benefits to workaholics with one disadvantage that snacking has increased. The leisure of working from home and instant non-accountability to your boss gives you the way to snack while you work. The internet connects all through various devices but our contact with nature and other people have dropped all thanks to the current times. Today, it’s important to take care of your fitness along with your diet. While you work from one table, it’s necessary to take little breaks to walk and snacking. But balancing everything is crucial which can be achieved by planning your daily schedule.
Search for healthy snack options:
Research on different mediums shows healthy options for snacking. With the rise in consumption, most of the companies have introduced snacks with healthy ingredients. Fitness freaks who are conscious of what they consume do check the ingredients on the pack and then buy. When you take a snack break every 2 hours then make your choice wisely.
Curb that urge
Once you sit to work, you get engrossed for hours and then suddenly there’s an urge to eat something. Don’t just bounce on packed food readily available on your kitchen shelf or in the refrigerator. Buy some healthy snacks and stack your kitchen in advance. At the time of hunger, if you try to make something healthy, it’s not possible and often you fall for something fried or sweet. This causes even more fatigue ness in your body leading to lazy hours ahead.
Healthy snacking options
You can try a combination of these healthy snacking options and prepare in advance.
- Include roasted nuts like almonds, walnuts etc. They are handy when you feel slightly hungry and popping a two or three at a time curbs your hunger for the timing.
- Keep salad dressings ready in the refrigerator and top it with salt and pepper along with your choice of herbs whenever you feel like snacking.
- Try drinking water in place of snacks. You realize later, maybe, it was not hunger but thirst that distracted you in the first place.
- Makhanas are a great option that you can roast with salt and pepper or with your choice of spices and store them in an airtight jar. You can consume it whenever you want.
- Don’t snack while watching a gadget. It makes you consume more than actually required by your body.
- You can roast dalia with or without vegetables and stir it with little water or pressure cooker to have a healthy meal in 5-7 mins.
There are many innovative ways to try out different snacking options depending on your food choices. The most important thing is to plan your meals in advance so that you don’t binge on unhealthy snacks.