Organic food isn’t better for your health
- February 12, 2023
- Health
What do people consider organic food? If no pesticides and fertilizers are used during farming? Or if the government certifies it as organic? Did you know that different countries have different regulations regarding what they consider organic? This means what is organic food in one country might not be the case in another.
There is a big rave for so-called organic and natural food these days. Everyone wants to eat healthy foods and believes that organic foods are the way to it. Sure, it’s a fact that organic farming is indeed good for the environment but could one say the same for humans? It’s not like they are harmful but they are barely any different from conventional foods.
Breaking the myth
Inherently it’s been established time and time again to people that “Organic food is healthy or healthier” but how do you prove that claim? Obviously, it’s something big. Is there any evidence to go with it? Or is it scientifically proven so? Nope, nothing.
Just because of this nameless claim, many companies have built and leveraged such a huge market to earn billions of dollars. Not to mention, organics is a $29 billion industry and still growing. Such claims have a huge impact that people are made to believe anything with “100% organic” tags or stickers on the package is considered good for us. It’s really shocking that there is even organic tobacco in the market. Just because it’s “organic”, does it make the tobacco good?
Just because poison comes in a beautifully packed bottle doesn’t make it less poisonous, right?
Difference between organic and natural
People seem to often confuse these two terms whenever they buy any product. These two words on the package are enough to attract consumers to pick up their product. Natural just means there are no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives in the product and that’s it. It has nothing to do with being made out of organic food or anything like that.
So, does this mean organic food is very nutritious? Definitely not the case.
Is organic food more nutritious than regular food?
This is another huge myth that goes around. In terms of nutrients organic foods are not healthier per se. Even if you consume overrated organic food, you will still get the same nutrients as much as conventional foods. No difference at all.
There are lot of research that has been done on this topic and all the results point out that compared to conventionally-farmed foods, organic foods offer no health benefits.
Yes, none.
Organic food is no healthier for you than anything else.
But what about the pesticides that are used in conventional farming methods? Don’t these harmful chemicals affect our bodies? Definitely, if you chug down bottles of them. You are writing your own death sentence but the amount that sticks to the vegetables is in nanograms, so it’s not life-threatening as everyone perceives.
Final Verdict
Whether you buy organic food or not is up to you. But don’t fall for the packaging and marketing scams of big companies. If at all you want to support organic farmers or if you are environment conscious and believe in sustainable living, just go for it.
If it is not the case, then try to support the local farmers by buying vegetables and fruits produced by them in your own area instead of frozen items. Seasonal and native crops are always good for you.
Have good food, and have a great life!