Posts Tagged: Movies
- March 24, 2023
Ridiculous age differences in movies
South Indian cinema has always been known for its dramatic storylines, catchy songs, and over-the-top action scenes. But one aspect of these movies that always leaves us scratching our heads is the ridiculous age gap
- January 7, 2023
Bollywood Needs To Stop Doing Remakes
Oh my God! Another Remake in Bollywood? Okay, let’s save some money this weekend, shall we? This is how remakes are being treated now in the Hindi film industry. Remakes after remakes there is no
- December 27, 2022
Disney movies that depict real cultures
Disney can highlight other nations and cultures, represent varied individuals and ideas, and encourage tolerance and awareness. They produce animations and other works of art that are beautiful and full of moral lessons. This makes
- December 26, 2022
Women Written by Women
Movies always feel special when they are written or directed by women. Most of the time, in Indian cinema, women characters appear as eye candy without much depth and screen space to even perform their
- December 17, 2022
Top 5 Must Watch Makoto Shinkai Anime Movies
Anime have become a global sensation since the beginning of the 21st century. It is experiencing an unprecedented rise in popularity overseas, with a contributing role to its record sales. Anime has the power to connect
- December 12, 2022
Secret behind K-drama popularity
The globe has been swept up by K-dramas. The intriguing romantic and emotional storylines make everything seem ideal, and the romance adds just the right amount of spice. K-dramas have become a very popular form
- December 11, 2022
Movie cliches that need to end right away
A movie cliché or trope or stereotype is the term used to express anything that has been ‘overused’ or ‘worn out’. In today’s society, there is a never-ending list of phrases, words, and actions that
- December 7, 2022
Why Avatar 2 can bomb the box office?
James Cameron had an idea for Avatar years earlier he turned a ship disaster into cinema business riches, but he had to endure till cinematic equipment was immersed in his vision for starting the ground-breaking
- November 2, 2022
6 female characters who broke gender stereotypes in Tamil cinema
Have you ever wondered, why movies with a male as a protagonist are never called “Male Centric movies” whereas movies with any female taking center stage are always referred to as “Female centric movies”? This
- October 27, 2022
Increasing popularity of minions
Minions are certainly well-known to you, or perhaps you’ve only ever seen their garish yellow visage on a bumper sticker, meme, or T-shirt. They’ve been known to evoke a wide range of feelings in everyone