I’m retiring from teaching for the third time now. 28 Feb 2025 will be my last day at the present…
"Move together, speak together, let your minds be united in understanding. Just as the gods of old performed their duties…
There's a reason we say Doctors practice medicine. Since we are always trying to learn more,do it better ,the learning…
In this blog post, I share a couple of pages from my Master's Degree thesis, which was on Attitudes of…
After a lot of dilemma, gathered all my courage to write this. I would love to hear from you, your…
How to know whether you can be a chef full time?You can't until you actually become a chef plus there's…
क्यूंकि भारत ने ही दशमलव दिया हैं शून्य दिया हैं और पूरी दुनिया को पाई का मान बताया हैं ये…
Join Ramesh as he navigates the delicate balance between tradition and modernity, tending to his family’s beekeeping legacy in rural…
The allure of blending work with travel has never been more appealing in today’s digital age. As more people seek…
My favorite subject in school was never found on the syllabus. It was the pursuit of the unknown, the thrill…