Hola friends, we are back with yet another interesting way to connect while we blog.

At the beginning of June, we had run a survey with our most active community members and one of the suggestions that came out loud and clear were: we need the push to blog consistently and blog hops + prompts will help us.

So, Blogchatter is here to tell you more about #BlogchatterBlogHop and the prompts.

Yes, we are starting a weekly blog hop for all of you and there will be weekly winners too. What's more? If you keep an eye out for our Tuesday emailers, you will get the prompt of the week a day before we announce it on our social channels!

Here are the rules:

  • There will be 2 prompts. You can write on any 1.
  • Only one entry per person per week per prompt will be allowed.
  • The prompts will change every Tuesday and will be valid until the next Monday.
  • Write your content in the form of poetry, fiction, non-fiction or whichever way you like to blog. There are no limitations as to genre or word count.
  • Write it on your own blog and then submit it to BlogRolls. Remember to tick the check box of Featured Category and select Blogchatter Blog Hop while submitting else it will not show as an entry to Blog hop.

  • Add this mandatory line in your blog post: This post is a part of Blogchatter Blog Hop and link it to www.theblogchatter.com
  • Use the mandatory hashtag #BlogchatterBlogHop when you share on social platforms.

Where do I find the prompts?

Check your email inbox every Tuesday around 1:30 PM or our social channels where we will be announcing the prompts. You can check #BlogchatterBlogHop too!

We are going on leave until 3 February because the community is busy writing for the Write A Page A Day campaign.

Where to read the weekly entries for #BlogchatterBlogHop?

All entries will be collated under Blogchatter Blog Hop. You can read and engage with the entries. 

What about the winners?

Every week, which means per prompt, 1 winner will be declared. The winner will be chosen by team Blogchatter based on your content and the interpretation of the prompt. The winner will receive 100 reward points and a shout-out on all social channels of Blogchatter.

What if I cannot write/think for the suggested prompt?

The prompts are open to interpretation and as we mentioned, there is no restriction in terms of genre or word count. However, you will have to follow 1 of the 2 prompts.

So let's begin to blog together and enjoy!

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