Refreshed on: 21 July, 2024
  • 10 easy ways to make reels without fancy cameras or equipment

    We should know that making captivating reels doesn’t require high-end equipment, a professional camera crew or expensive apps. All you need is your smartphone, good lighting, clear sound and a bit of creativity.

  • If you were God for a day
    24th July, 8.30 PM

    Haven't we all wished at some point that we had unearthly powers with the snap of a finger or the blink of an eye? What if you were God for a day? What would you do? Join us for a chat tonight at 8.30 PM and let's talk.

  • Blogchatter Ideas Incubator

    Have you ever thought of an idea but did not know how to go about planning or executing it? Have you ever wanted to rebrand your blog or social media presence but needed a soundboard to bounce ideas off? If you answered yes, then we have a surprise for you.

  • Update books read for #TBRChallenge

    6 months into 2024, how has your reading goal progressed? Check in by updating your books read so far for #TBRChallenge

  • July TBRChallenge Activity

    July #TBRChallenge: Author Spotlight. Here are a few ways in which you can shine a spotlight on an author: Tell us about your favourite author/an author you discovered and you read multiple works of theirs/shine the spotlight on an author's social media presence/an author you wish were alive/an author interview.

I've got the power!