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Education & Career, 1 Jan 2021

Ways to Tackle Procrastination

We procrastinate about things that make us a little bit uncomfortable. You think about something you don’t particularly like and…

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Education & Career, 30 Dec 2020

10 Reasons – Why do people procrastinate?

“Procrastination is a grave in which opportunity is buried”. This article is inspired by one of my all time favorite…

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Education & Career, 16 Dec 2020

The (He)art of Teaching!

As the daughter of a amazingly creative teacher, I was quite determined never to teach. It was too much pressure.…

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Education & Career, 13 Dec 2020

Top 5 Free Software Tools For Students

Nowadays, students are learning from the comforts of their home due to the rapid spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. The…

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Education & Career, 8 Dec 2020

There Is No Giant Leap, Only Baby Steps!

Giant Leaps are overrated. Without the baby steps of all those people who already attempted to climb those peaks, giant…

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Education & Career, 1 Dec 2020

Result Oriented Learning (ROL) – Workshop

Result oriented learning is also known as outcome based education. As per Wikipedia, Outcome based education is an “Educational theory…

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Education & Career, 29 Nov 2020

Top Five Android apps for eLearning

Nowadays, eLearning has made great inroads into our daily lives. With the eruption of COVID-19, it’s impossible for students to…

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Education & Career, 25 Nov 2020

MyPlayDate- The App Revolutionizing Preschool Education In India

The covid -19 pandemic is here to stay, it’s already been a year and we are still waiting for a…

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Education & Career, 22 Nov 2020

Spotlight Syndrome – Feeling Self-Conscious

The Spotlight Syndrome causes people to assume that they are being observed and noticed by others more than they actually…

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Education & Career, 30 Oct 2020

Easiest Solar System for Kids

Solar System crafts and models are most favorite among kids. In this post, I am sharing easiest Solar System craft…