The other day just took me to meet nature. I walked feeling the Earth below me, touching the bushes and…
It was May 2006, a week before my mom left for her heavenly abode. I haven’t met her in the…
कई बार हमें अधूरी कहानियां मिल जाती हैं जिन्हें पढ़ कर लगता है कि कुछ तो है जो सही नही…
I clearly remember, the year 2020 started with usual excitement, resolutions and beginning-of-the-year freshness. There were dreams and aspirations bubbling…
Not a guide-book, just few things I have realised and accepted which made my life in the 30s great despite…
भारत में डिप्रेशन को इससे जुड़ा शर्म, मिथक और अवैज्ञानिक सोच अधिक ख़तरनाक बनाते हैं! याद रहे कि दो-चार दिन…
. Expressing gratitude is the best way to feel happiness and while we express gratitude we are at the highest…
A lot has been said and written and discussed on the global pandemic we had all gone thru in the…
For generations, hair oiling is the traditional practice that is used to stimulate hair growth. Oiling your scalp is one…
I am that person who believes in celebrating everything! And 2020 is not a kind year. 2020 is the reason…