Do you love watching videos on YouTube and Instagram? They are just brilliant. Watching them you might want to know how do the creators add fun elements and make them so interesting? That's where our community YouTubers and Instagrammers come to the rescue. This year Lights Camera Chatter session taught us many interesting and important points to keep in mind while you start your magic on the camera. Let's see how can we incorporate these into video making:

It's important to consider shooting time

As a video creator, analyse how much time you need to prepare a video. If it's a long video then what are the essentials you should prepare beforehand and how to be ready for a short and quick video/reel.

  • Shooting time starts as soon as you prepare your clothes, match jewellery etc. because you should be comfortable with what you are wearing. Then it takes somewhere in between 3-5 hours to shoot a video.
  • A quality video will always attract viewers.
  • You have got just 3 seconds to stop your viewer and turn them into your regular audience.

Create your own style

You admire other's styles of making videos and gradually create your own. Initially, you may have traces of another's style but finally, you produce your authentic content.

  • Create your own USP along with keeping up with trends.
  • Attending different video making workshops and YouTube videos help you learn many new techniques.
  • Dimensions are important while posting on different platforms. Learn about the dimensions of each platform.

Here, the audience is the king - keep them interested

More than the content, you need to give time to promote your work and reach the correct set of audiences. How do you do that?

  • Trending music hooks your audience.
  • Work on your thumbnails as they stay on the grid and bring back your audience.
  • Keep a balance between what you like to create and what your audience loves to watch.
  • Shooting from different angles engage people and give a new perspective to your audience.

Coordinating your blog and vlog 

When you maintain your blog as well as your vlog, the game changes. It's not easy to perform both roles efficiently but we have tricks to save your life.

  • Involve your family as they are your real critics and show you the best way forward.
  • Show your natural set-up that happens at home which connects your viewers better. 
  • Keep aside behind the scenes and oops moments as they break the myth of perfect videos.
  • Study closely which kind of content would go as a blog, YouTube video or Reels.
  • Be ready with a backup plan to ease out your life.
  • Adding your YouTube videos to your blog lowers bounce rate on your blog as people spend time reading and watching your content.

Well, these were some of the hacks that help you prepare videos without fuss. Now, it's time for you to create related content with love and increase your follower base. Remember if you get stuck at some point, our community champions are always at your help.

You can watch all video sessions of Lights Camera Chatter here.  

Also, check how does Blogchatter look at video content.