6 months into 2021 and we can safely say the year is turning out not at all like any of us could have anticipated. With everything that’s going on outside our safe cocoon of being at home with the family, creating meaningful content that also fits in with our niche can be challenging to say the least.

From one of our Wednesday chats on what it takes to be a successful content creator in 2021, it is clear that something different, empathetic and well-researched is what will work best in attracting audiences.

We did a survey to find out how our community is consuming and creating content and here are the results:

77% have found it difficult to create content in the pandemic

It comes as no surprise that the majority of community have found it difficult to create content. It can be challenging to get your mind to focus on things when all it’s filled with is survival.

Here’s an excellent post on languishing that can help you get out of your funk.

Creation and consumption of mix content

While 66% say they have consumed a mix of both kinds of content i.e. pandemic-specific and usual, 58% have said that they have created mixed content showcasing that creation and consumption go hand in hand.

It’s also interesting to note that content creators are quite adept in adapting to the changing needs of their audiences and find that balance between their own niche, what they want to say and how they want to say it.

58% took a break from creating content

While a few took to #BlogchatterA2Z and #BlogchatterEbook Carnival as a means to distract themselves or take up a project that could help them focus on something else, 58% took a break in June from creating content.

It was one of the reasons we came up with the idea of Blogchatter Half Marathon because we could see that many bloggers wished to create content but finding the motivation to do that was hard. The WhatsApp group for the marathon was filled with support and brainstorming sessions so everyone could reach the end.

Creating content in the pandemic – survey results

It is still too soon to tell how the pandemic will impact content direction

We were curious to know if our community members foresaw the pandemic leaving a permanent mark on their content direction. It was interesting that the results were inconclusive. While 42% said maybe, 36% said no. It’s possible that since we’re technically still in the middle of the pandemic, people aren’t sure how it’ll change the way they create content.

54% said time spent on social media had increased

Well, this came as no surprise to us that time spent had increased. While a few of our community members were helping organize essential services using Twitter, others were using it to talk about grief, mental health and how #UnitedWeCan.

32% said doom scrolling was the biggest difficulty in creating content during the pandemic

From our analysis, while anxiety related to the pandemic was a roadblock on creating content, content-related issues were a close second at 29%.

Content related issues were further divided into having the added responsibility to offer sensitive/balanced content and content creation niche being difficult from pandemic perspective for example travel.

Another issue has been the blurring of lines between work and family life. This was at 26%.

If you’re looking for inspiration on how you too can do more with your online presence, join Blogchatter community today!