We begin Season 5 of #MyFriendAlexa with the all important information on why Alexa rank is important and how high blog traffic is related to a healthy Alexa rank.

How is Alexa rank calculated?

Alexa rank is measured on the basis of traffic to your blog and the rate of engagement. It is not about people visiting your blog for a few seconds and skipping over to some other links. This means that your blog lacks quality content as per that audience which in turn increases your bounce rate. On the contrary, when your audience stays on your blog for a while and doesn't bounce back to another link, this ensures that the bounce rate is low. Like Alexa rank, your bounce rate should also be low.

The best way to keep the bounce rate low is to have a few interlinks in your posts that hold your audience on your site for some more time. This ensures that your audience is busy reading one post after another by simply clicking from one page only. In turn, you find an increase in your page views too.

What combination lowers Alexa rank?

So a combination of high engaging traffic with low bounce rate and high page views lowers your Alexa rank. This can be further put into an equation to understand better.

High engaging traffic + high page views - low bouncing rate = Low Alexa rank

We bet you couldn't put this much simpler than this.

Also, a quick secret: Any Alexa rank globally below 30,000 is considered very good. Wait..wait don't check your rank right now. Once My Friend Alexa completes and you complete all your reading tasks as well then see the magic!

How to create content that is King

  • Patiently create your content with good SEO keywords
  • Research your topic well
  • Analyse your competitors, not in terms of competition but to learn what's working for them and how can you modify it to suit your audience?
  • Keep checking your analytics to see what type of content is your audience reading currently, how you can take that keyword and reframe to produce more valuable content around the same topic

How does low Alexa rank boost your blog?

When you have a healthy Alexa rank, your blog shows up in Google search results for related terms. Isn't that what you always crave for? Your blog becomes visible to brands and you can proudly show them the rate of engagement on your content, fetching well-paid campaigns.

On the other hand, your blog will provide useful content to the on seekers too.

So here's a task for you: whatever blogposts you publish for Alexa, make sure you interlink the most relevant blogposts.