We have all been blogging for a while now. Even the new entrants in this challenge have also blogged for a good 3 weeks. When you write regularly, you are in practice and gradually become clear about the reason you blog. Even if it is your hobby then it is clear that your purpose is to blog when you feel like. On the other hand, if you want to earn professionally through your blog then you need to put in hard work in different ways. So how can you understand the purpose of your blog?


To start with answer these questions to know your purpose better:

  • The first question you should ask yourself is why did you start a blog?
  • What do you like to blog about?
  • Is your content useful to others?
  • How often do you like to blog?
  • Do you expect any return from your blog in the form of audience or monetary benefits?


Answering the above questions will help you to define the work, money, time and effort you need to put into your blog to make it a success. If it is money you want to earn, then you will have to blog consistently. If it is to raise awareness around a topic close to heart, then you will have to find different aspects of the topic and write on that. You will also have to connect with authorities in the field you’re interested in to provide a more expert opinion on the topic.


As bloggers we often struggle with consistency but with understanding your expectations, it will become easier to set your intentions. Here’s how finding your purpose to blog can help:

  1. Content creation and understanding SEO will become easier.
  2. You will no longer suffer from a lack of motivation.
  3. Planning and strategy for the future will become more defined and seamless.
  4. You’ll be able to experiment more with your content and the forms of content.
  5. Building your community around your blog will get direction.

As your love for blogging increases, your purpose becomes more clear in your mind. Doing a check of where you were when you started blogging in the first place and where do you stand now will also help you to either stay on track or make course corrections as required.


If you are a single user of your blog then every post reflects a part of your character in it. Unlike a team managing a blog which has different users with a variety of stories. In the both cases, no two posts can be the same unless they are copied and pasted. Similarly, you may read other posts for inspiration but you add your own elements and garnish with anecdotes to make it unique.

So have you found a purpose for your blog yet? If not, start now!