We step into 2021 with learnings from the year gone by: one of the key learnings being environmentally conscious living. The pandemic revealing truths about the state of our environment has begun to put things into perspective. Climate change is real and we need to learn to find effective ways to cope with it. The Paris Agreement, an international treaty binding all nations towards a common cause - limit global warming and build a greener world for us to live in. Implementation of this long term goal of course requires efforts, not just by the policy makers, but by each one of us. 

As part of this green movement, one of our main causes this year is around the environment and the simple things we can do to contribute to its well being. There are several sustainable changes being championed such as moving from fast fashion to a more sustainable one, opting for steel straws, bamboo toothbrushes, cutlery, earthen water bottles, using cloth bags instead of plastic, switching to energy efficient equipment at homes and offices - the list is endless. You might already be following quite a few of these, and if your answer is yes, kudos to you!

Sustainable Gardening

During the lockdown, a new trend began where many of us nurtured our green thumb, growing veggies and finally finding time to tend to the plants in our backyard or patio. We turned towards organic eating and wasn’t it truly a different feeling altogether, cooking and eating what was freshly grown by us? This time at home has inspired some initiatives too. Urban Gardens is a project in Mexico that promotes the offers of local suppliers to bring gardens to people’s homes during confinement. A project like this proved to be therapeutic and kept people connected to the outside world.

Sustainable gardening is very important for the future of our world. It helps us purify the air around us, create a peaceful ambience that is kind to nature and teaches us self-sufficiency. We learn so many things in the process and in the bigger picture, you can be a part of the movement that helps reduce our carbon footprint. 

 If you are a person who loves gardening, this is your cause for 2021. 

How to participate in Environment Talks

1. Complete your profile on our website - this is how we track your progress. And submitting your content to Blog Rolls is how you find community.

2. Create at least one piece of content a month. Make sure the content for each month is posted in said month only. Your content can be on your blog, YouTube, or Instagram. Since the focus is on gardening, visual content helps.  We will be sending reminders quarterly. 

3. Add the mandatory line ‘This post is part of #CauseAChatter with Blogchatter’  and link it back to this post. Amplify your posts by submitting to BlogRolls, sharing on social, tagging Blogchatter and using the hashtag #CauseAChatter. Don’t forget to engage with other Cause A Chatter champions too!

4. We also have a Pinterest collaborative board where you can pin your posts to reach a greater audience.

5. Keep the positive vibe fresh and environmentally friendly. You can find a glossary of environmental terms here to help you craft your posts better. Like the United Nations say, we can move from promise to action with a few simple lifestyle changes.

6. There will be stickers, certificates and goodies involved. You don’t want to miss out!

All through the year we will be celebrating the simple joys of making our surroundings greener through various forms of content - quizzes, book recommendations, stories that made history - there’s something for everyone. 

If you’re ready to become an advocate for Environment Talks, sign up here. Once you've done, you can always keep track of your progress and posts you've written here.

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