When we curate content around social issues, share experiences, or spread awareness around a topic, these posts become resources for people like you and us looking around the internet to learn more. Therefore it becomes crucial for us to know our facts, cross check them with credible sources, provide disclaimers where needed, use sensitive and inclusive language.

For the best experience you can have with CauseAChatter for both yourself and your audience, we have curated a list of guidelines to help.

Guidelines for curating great content on CauseAChatter

  • Use inclusive language. You can always research on what the right terminology is for the topic you have chosen to speak on. Here is a glossary to help you begin.

  • Let's avoid insinuating any socio-political standpoints.

  • Every piece of content curated for CauseAChatter, first and foremost should come from a place of empathy. Empathetic storytelling is the narrative we must drive.

  • When you curate content for RangDe, you will get exclusive sessions with the RangDe team, us and perhaps even the social entrepreneurs involved, based on their availability. Social entrepreneurs have a rich backstory. Prior preparation can help go in-depth, and you can always discuss, brainstorm before you curate.

  • Use credible resources and mention them. This is important because once you choose to speak on a cause, you are an advocate for it. People looking for information might land on your site or reach your social media profile. You want to make sure that what you put out is genuine and helpful so your authenticity stands out and a real impact is made. 

  •  Use a simple disclaimer wherever necessary. Especially to be used when you write about personal mental health tips, for instance. Example of a disclaimer for a post you may have written on mental health that contains topics of mental illness/treatments:  "Views expressed in this post are personal and for reading purpose only. They're not medical advice. Each individual's experience may vary. Please consult a professional if you need help." 

  • Use trigger warnings before your posts in case you've mentioned sensitive topics such as self-harm, abuse, etc. Example: "Trigger warning- may contain self-harm topics." 

  •  Keep yourself updated on news around the causes you write about.

  • While writing a post, remember it should be clear, concise with a takeaway and a call to action. 

  • Your writing is simple, clear and in layman’s language. (600-800 words will be great)

  • The usual mandatory line. “This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter.” Link it back to our site. Remember to add the link here. If the post is for our initiative with RangDe, please mention “This post is part of Blogchatter’s CauseAChatter initiative with RangDe.”

  • Take part in some of the simple activities we have for CauseAChatter.  To stay in the loop, join our WhatsApp group here.

When you curate content for RangDe, you will get exclusive sessions with the RangDe Team, us and perhaps even the social entrepreneurs involved, based on their availability. Social entrepreneurs have a rich backstory. Prior preparation can help go in-depth, and you can always discuss, brainstorm before you curate.

Learn more about our partnership with Rang De here.

All in all, remember that in the process of curating content on social causes, you are becoming an advocate for it and when you choose to invest in a cause with Rangde, you are becoming a  social entrepreneur actively involved in driving change. Let us strive to become the best ones!

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