Blogging is a great way to express your opinion on a platform that is accessible to the whole world. If you’re on the fence about whether you should blog, or if blogging is still relevant, here are 15 reasons why you should start blogging.
Before you start a blog, ask these questions to yourself
What do you like to read – this will help you to understand what you’d like to write
Do you have expertise in any area – for example, are you a pet lover? Or do you like to paint, or grow a garden? Are you an HR professional? Now think about how you could get this experience on your blog
A purpose for your blog – this can be as simple as ‘I want to explore the world of blogging’ or as pointed as ‘I want to talk about HR practices I have learnt through 20 years of being in the industry.’ This will help you to stay focussed
Now, let’s get you started on how to make a free website with WordPress
1) Log in to
2) Top right, click on Get Started
3) Create your account
4) You will get an email, click on it to activate your account.
5) Simultaneously, choose the option Blog on your laptop/desktop.
6) Choose a topic that's relevant to your content.
7) Your blog is ready.
8) Fill in details like blog name. Think of a name that reflects your thoughts and connects with your content.
9) Fill domain name. It is recommended to keep the same as your blog name. This will be your address on the internet.
10) Click on the first option that says free.
11) Hurray! Your blog is ready.
12) Update your homepage
13) Choose a theme that best suits your writing. Follow other instructions on the screen.
14) Launch your site and make it visible to the world.
15) Get the WordPress app on your mobile.
Isn't it simple to blog? You can also watch the video tutorial here on WordPress. In our experience, WordPress has the best scale-up, hosting and customization potential which is why we would recommend that platform. You can choose other platforms as well.
Here are some important things to keep in mind
Niche or no niche
Niche is the first thing that comes to a new blogger’s mind. It is an ongoing debate whether to choose a niche for your blog or not. Check this post that clarifies whether you need a niche to be a blogger. Does it really matter or how can you be a multi-niche blogger?
Fiction is one famous niche that attracts every blogger and everyone tries his hand at least once. Now the question arises can a fiction blog be niche specific? Read this post by Puspanjalee.
Consistency is key
Consistency is the backbone of a successful blog. Here are 4 reasons why you should blog consistently.
Have a content calendar
Calendars make our life simpler and more sorted then why not have a content calendar for your blogging as well? Still confused? Check this post to learn how a content calendar helps you achieve consistency.
Play with images
What do you notice first when you read a blog post? The colour of the images attracts a reader first and then comes the headline. Pictures add life to your story. Surbhi tells you easy and practical ways to add graphics to your blog posts for free.
Valuable content finds its audience faster
With the number of blog posts and content churned out every second of every day, getting and keeping the attention of your readers may sound like a daunting task. Follow these steps to make your content more authentic.
Make friends with SEO
Writing good content is only one part of blogging. Another part of it is finding your readers. SEO is a great way to find that audience. The Ultimate Guide to SEO will help you get started.
Making your content evergreen
Some blog posts are not on trending topics but on topics you want to read at any time. Kashish gives you some ways to keep your content evergreen.
Updating old content
If you’re out of ideas, another way to keep your blog alive is to update old blog posts - especially the evergreen ones - with new research. MeenalSonal share 5 tips you can follow.
Google Analytics
After blogging for a while, you want to check your blog analytics to know where your blog stands on the internet? Sushmita helps you read your blog status on Google Analytics in a simple way.
Writers read books, and podcasters listen to other podcasts. A blogger must read others. It not only helps you to see what others are doing, but it can also be a learning opportunity. You can begin reading by going through the BlogRolls and choosing your favourite category.
No doubt blogging is a great way to tell stories and keep your audience connected but the secret lies in how you carry forward your dream and mark your own space in the blogosphere.